West End Link
1.2 Decision makers and Statutory Consultees
West Oxfordshire District Council (WODC) is the Planning Authority that will determine the outcome of the North Witney planning application.
Oxfordshire County Council (OCC) is a statutory consultee on Highways planning matters. OCC will also recommend planning conditions and draft and undertake legal contracts such as Section 106 (S106) or Section 278 (S278) agreements with the developers to fund and provide highways infrastructure.
OCC also has an Active Travel department with expertise in infrastructure design standards to enable improvements to walking and cycling routes on existing streets and to ensure good provision in new developments. It is important that this department is involved with Highways planning responses at the key moments in the consideration process.
WODC will abide by the policies in its current Local Plan. OCC has a range of highways and transport policy documents and design standards. Hailey Parish has a Neighbourhood Plan [8]. Witney has a Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan [9], 2021’s Access to Witney Report [6] and a forthcoming Witney Area Transport Plan.