Northern Distributor Road

2.3 Management of HGVs

The developer proposes to restrict larger vehicles from using Bridge Street with the introduction of a 7.5t weight restriction on the only road in Witney that crosses the Windrush river. Together with the proposal not to construct the WEL, these proposals would inflict long diversion routes for HGVs to negotiate. These proposals directly conflict with current OCC policy for HGV movements and should be rejected.

A precedent has already been established for the introduction of weight restrictions on A-roads through towns in Oxfordshire. The outcome of an experimental TRO on the A361 through the centre of Burford to stop HGV movement through their town was that the Order to overcome Burford’s problem merely moved the problem to other communities, often on much less appropriate roads. OCC Cabinet therefore rejected the scheme and have set up working groups to develop alternative regional solutions. The Windrush Valley HGV Steering Group is currently considering solutions for the area that includes Witney. The options under consideration would not align with the North Witney developer’s approach.

Similarly, OCC proposals for the Bridge Street area of Witney assume the continued use of Bridge Street for HGV movements. OCC’s preferred option for the centre of Witney also assumes that the WEL will be constructed and would be used by HGVs. Again, the developer’s proposals conflict with these OCC recommendations.

There is an apparent contradiction in the developer’s proposals for HGV use of the NDR. In Transport Assessment para 5.5.3, the developer proposes a 6.8m width for the NDR that “strikes a balance between ensuring efficient movement of buses whilst ensuring that road space is not increased to levels that would encourage car use”. If cars are being discouraged, how difficult will it be for HGVs to use the NDR? And yet in para 5.8.1, the developer suggests that their proposal to introduce a weight limit on Bridge Street “would be facilitated by the introduction of the NDR”. The developer also shows the NDR as part of their diversion route for HGVs that are blocked by his proposed weight limit.

WING’s opinion remains that the NDR will be part of the perimeter road system around Witney and that it must be wide enough to cater for HGV use.

2.2 WING comments on Developer's Proposals